interested in working together?

Please fill out the form below. If I think I could be a fit, we’ll schedule a discovery call to talk through what you’re working on and what you’re looking for in coaching. If it feels like it could be a fit , I’ll recommend a coaching structure or we’ll schedule more time. Either way, I’ll send you resources or referrals if relevant. I’m looking forward to connecting.



I strongly recommend Laura as a coach, especially for people who are going through critical "make or break" moments in their business or career.

CEO & Co-Founder, Parentaly, Minneapolis, MN


In every career, it is almost inevitable that you find yourself stuck. Maybe it is in the same job you don’t like, figuring out what you want to do next or in an otherwise good job where you can’t push past a certain point. When this happens, Laura is the perfect coach.

Founder + Attorney, Boston, MA

Steve Cagnetta
Jan M.

Before working with Laura I was stuck in a cycle of feeling unfulfilled, second guessing my desire for change, and justifying my current path. Laura helped clarify the things that mattered most to me and my family, not just in work but in our lives as a whole.

Attorney, Indianapolis, IN



have something else in mind?

Email me any time at

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